
 A noun is the name of a person, animal, place or thing.

 A word used in place of a noun is known as a pronoun.


Rita is my sister, She is three years older to me.


In the example, the noun Rita has been replaced by the "She" in the second sentence, which is the pronoun.


In sentences: Pronouns do the same work as nouns. They identify people and things.


 Some nouns are words for things:

Table, Train, Window, Stars…


A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.


"It" is for a thing – singular –

Where is the table?      It is in the Kitchen.


"They" is for all things – Plural –

Where is the stars?      They are in the sky.


Some nouns are words for people:

Teacher, Father, Student, Girl…


A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.


"He" is for a male person.

Where is Hani?           He is near the door.


"She" is for a female person.

Where is Nur?            She is in the office.


"They" is for all persons.

Where are the girls?      They are in the school.


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Preparation by School Arabia

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Updated: November 2008

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