الثانوية العامة (الثاني الثانوي العلمي)

    المنهاج الأردني   

نموذج إختبار تجريبي


Question Number Ten
Fill in each blank space with the correct answer from those in brackets
1. Jerash ----------------- 30 kms to the north fo Amman.
 ( locates  ,  is located , has located , had located )
2. When --------------Amman from abroad , dial 06
 ( telephone  , you telephoning  , telephoning , you telephoned )
3. ----------- information given to us was of great help.
    ( An     ,   The   ,     X  ,       A )
4. Some creatures ----------- living on other planets .
  ( will have   , can  , maybe  , might   )
5. My father remembers --------------bikes when he was a child .
   ( ride   , to ride  ,  rode ,   riding   )


6. Do you know what time ------------------------------------- ?
 ( The plane landed , did the plane land ,  had the plane landed ,will the plane
land )


7. The driver was in a very bad condition; ---------nobody helped him .
 ( yet    ,   therefore  ,  provided        , although )
8. His worries are severe ; he can’t -------------------.
( get them over,  over get them , them get over , get over them )


9. The fat lady takes ----------- meat despite her doctor’s warnings .
 ( little   ,  a few   , a little   , few  )


10. ---------- the weather like today ?
( What’s    , How  , What  , Which )


11. Nadia got the job ----------- the short experience she has .
 ( because of     ,   since   ,  however  , despite )


12. Look at the man ---------- to the arrivals now .
 ( waving   , waves  , is waving  , who waving )
13. In the word “ photography ”, the main stress fall son :
 ( pho    tog      ra      phy ) ---------
14. The ----------- applauded the new play enthusiastically.
 ( crew    ,  flock  , crowd  , audience  )


15. ‘ I have the best house in the town , ’ ------------ Jamal
 ( announced   ,  boasted  , begged , assured )


16. This is the young man with --------- father I worked for long .
( Who     ,  Whom    , Who’s  , Whose )

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

 اكتبوا لنا ملاحظاتكم واستفساراتكم

تحرير : المدرسة العربية  www.schoolarabia.net

اعداد : أ. عبد الكريم درويش Abdul Karim Darwish

  تاريخ التحديث 15 آيار 2002

   المدرسة : The Latin Secondary School

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